True Self by RembrandtAdvantage

Rembrandt Portrait Value

Rembrandt Portrait - Finding Your True Self

Embracing Openness and Intelligence: Optimize the Path to Personal Growth and Fulfillment

While growth and development can involve many qualities and decades of learning, the most significant personal and professional growth tends to come from these two human elements of personality. Openness and intelligence. They are the foundation upon which rests the quality and depth of our existence - of our connections with others, our understanding of the world around us and how we fit in and secure happiness and a sense of purpose.

Openness (Empathy, the lack of stubbornness, inflexibility and dogmatism), a key facet of our personality, has long been associated with not only our ability to embrace new experiences but also with high intelligence. Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman and his team's 2013 study shed light on the profound connection between openness and overall intelligence, marking it as one of the "five major aspects of personality" alongside conscientiousness, neuroticism, agreeableness, and extroversion.

Openness to experience, the broadest personality domain of the Big Five, encompasses traits like intellectual curiosity, imagination, creativity, and emotional richness. It reflects a mindset that eagerly seeks new perspectives, a thirst for knowledge, and a yearning to explore the world. Kaufman's study, involving 146 participants, drew a clear link between openness and high IQ, a correlation that remained consistent across different age groups and demographic categories.

So, what precisely does openness mean in this context? It signifies a willingness to embrace new challenges, to approach life with curiosity, and to accumulate diverse experiences. Building this varied history, characterized by intellectual (Conceptual and Abstract Reasoning) and aesthetic engagement (Creativity and Innovation) is believed to contribute significantly to one's intelligence which in turn is linked to a sense of purpose, satisfaction and fulfillment.

Openness to experience can be distilled into two major aspects closely tied to intelligence: intellectual engagement (Abstract and Conceptual Reasoning) and aesthetic engagement (Creative and Innovative Thinking) Intellectual engagement involves enjoying abstract thinking, problem-solving, reading, and engaging in activities that stimulate the mind. Aesthetic engagement, on the other hand, includes immersing oneself in the arts, culture, music, or physical activities like dancing. These two dimensions reflect the holistic functioning of our brains, encompassing logic and creativity.

In addition to openness, several other qualities have been linked to higher intelligence over the years. Curiosity, akin to openness, fuels the brain's hunger for knowledge. Trust and generosity also play a role, as they showcase intelligence in interpersonal relationships and the ability to discern others' needs (Empathy) while dispelling doubts about their motives (Motivation to provide Acts of Service, to Help and Support Others).

If you think about each element of your life, much of everything that is important to living a happy and purposeful life boils down to knowing, understanding, relating to others and aligning our internal needs to our external reality. Intelligence and Openness are the keys to unleashing one’s potential and living our True Self. But for many, developing an open and intellectually fueled life can be allusive. We are so influenced by our experiences, emotions, programming and beliefs that our ability to tap into these life changing abilities is blocked, causing us to robotically live our lives, stuck in our routine, going day by day, never quite able to live as one with our external world. This reality for many holds them back from living their truth where every day is rich, fulfilling and rewarding.

These experienced based blocks can be identified, however, and with the guidance of trained coaches, can be eliminated or significantly reduced to unshackle your mind and unleash your openness so you can find and live your True Self.

Remember that intellect and openness don’t define a person's worth or superiority, but they do play a meaningful role in enriching one’s life through connecting with others and in aligning our motivations and internal drives to the reality of our external world.

To truly understand your True Self and harness the power of your Intelligence and Openness consider taking the Rembrandt Portrait Self Assessment. Just as Rembrandt the artist was able to reveal the inner essence of his subjects, the Rembrandt Portrait Self Assessment will reveal your intrinsic motivations, desires, openness and intellect, and what subconsciously blocks them so you can remove these obstacles and uncover your authentic self. Embracing openness, curiosity, intelligence, and generosity will not only lead to confidence and happiness but will guide you toward a more fulfilling life.

Embark on this journey of self-discovery and let the Rembrandt Portrait illuminate your path to living your True Self.

Rembrandt Portrait Analytics

Intelligence Is A Strong Predictor Of On The Job Performance

It is a consistently proven fact that intelligence is a strong predictor of on the job performance. It is also a fact that intelligence can be improved through the undertaking of cognitive enhancement activities. If higher intelligence indicates stronger job performance and better career achievement why isn’t everyone engaging in cognitive improvement programs? Probably because they haven’t thought about it!

Our surveys indicate that most people don’t realize that intelligence can be exercised and improved. They think of intelligence as innate and static. It also requires a shift in most people’s definition of personal development to include a more holistic approach to achievement and mental well-being. The goal is to create a lifestyle of learning and achievement.

Here are some proven strategies that people can use to enhance their intelligence and maintain mental health :

1. Continuous Learning: Engage in lifelong learning by reading books, taking online courses, attending workshops, and seeking out new information on a regular basis. Learning helps stimulate your brain and keeps it active.

2. Critical Thinking: Practice critical thinking by analyzing information, questioning assumptions, and evaluating evidence. Engage in debates, discussions, and problem-solving activities that challenge your reasoning abilities.

3. Stay Curious: Cultivate a curious mindset by asking questions, exploring new topics, and seeking to understand the “why” behind things. Curiosity stimulates intellectual growth.

4. Problem-Solving: Regularly engage in puzzles, brainteasers, and strategy games that challenge your problem-solving skills. These activities help improve cognitive flexibility and creativity.

5. Physical Exercise: Regular exercise has been shown to enhance cognitive function and memory. Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain and encourages the growth of new neurons.

6. Healthy Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients that support brain health, such as omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins. Foods like fatty fish, berries, nuts, and leafy greens are beneficial.

7. Adequate Sleep: Prioritize getting enough sleep, as sleep is essential for consolidating memories and supporting cognitive functions.

8. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness and meditation to improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance cognitive clarity.

9. Engage in New Activities: Try new activities that challenge you, whether it’s learning a musical instrument, speaking a new language, or mastering a new hobby. Novel experiences stimulate brain growth.

10. Social Interaction: Engage in meaningful conversations and interactions with others. Socializing can provide different perspectives and stimulate cognitive growth.

11. Write and Reflect: Keep a journal or write about your thoughts and experiences. Reflecting on your experiences helps consolidate your understanding and encourages self-awareness.

12. Set Goals: Set challenging yet achievable goals for yourself. Striving to achieve these goals promotes focus, determination, and growth.

13. Break Routine: Occasionally step out of your comfort zone and break routine patterns. Novel experiences and challenges stimulate cognitive adaptability.

14. Teach Others: Teaching others what you’ve learned helps reinforce your own understanding and memory. It also encourages you to think about the material from different angles.

15. Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude and believe in your ability to learn and grow. A growth mindset can lead to greater intellectual development.

Remember that intelligence is a multifaceted concept. Engaging in these activities can contribute positively to cognitive development and overall mental agility, but the results will vary from person to person. Some people might experience noticeable improvements in certain cognitive abilities, while others might observe more subtle changes.

Rather than focusing on a specific percentage enhancement or set outcome, it’s more meaningful to view these activities as part of a holistic approach to personal growth and mental well-being. Remember, the goal is to create a lifestyle that is more fulfilling and intellectually vibrant.

An interesting factoid:
Ever heard of the “halo effect?” Many recruiters and hiring managers fall prey to it. This cognitive bias occurs when people perceive individuals who are physically attractive or excel in one area (such as sports or art) as also having high intelligence, even if there’s no direct correlation between these traits. This phenomenon demonstrates how our perceptions of one quality can influence our judgments about others.

The Rembrandt Portrait measures cognitive ability and provides the objective data needed to mitigate personal bias in hiring, promotions and career management decisions.

Enhancing Your Leadership Effectiveness

Improving communication and interpersonal capabilities is crucial for developing leadership performance. If you have limited skills or room to grow in these areas, here are some steps you can take to enhance your leadership effectiveness:

1. Self-Awareness: Recognize your areas of improvement and acknowledge the importance of communication and interpersonal skills in leadership.

2. Active Listening: Practice active listening by giving your full attention to others when they speak. This demonstrates respect and fosters better understanding.

3. Empathy Development: Work on developing empathy by trying to understand others’ perspectives, emotions, and needs. This helps build stronger relationships.

4. Observe Effective Communicators: Pay attention to leaders who excel in communication and interpersonal skills. Observe their techniques and strategies.

5. Communication Training: Enroll in communication training courses or workshops to learn about effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques.

6. Practice Public Speaking: Join public speaking clubs or practice speaking in front of small groups to build confidence and improve your communication skills.

7. Feedback Seeker: Encourage open and honest feedback from colleagues and team members about your communication style and interpersonal interactions.

8. Conflict Resolution Training: Develop skills in handling conflicts and disagreements constructively. Learn techniques to manage conflicts in a professional manner.

9. Role Play: Engage in role-playing scenarios to practice various communication and interpersonal situations you might encounter as a leader.

10. Interpersonal Networking: Attend networking events to interact with different individuals and practice initiating conversations and building relationships.

11. Develop a Communication Plan: Plan your communications ahead of time for important discussions or presentations. This can help you structure your thoughts effectively.

12. Set Goals: Set goals for improving your communication and interpersonal skills. Measure your progress and celebrate milestones.

13. Feedback Integration: Incorporate feedback received into your interactions and communication style. Continuously work on refining your approach.

14. Cultural Sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural differences in communication styles. Adapt your approach to respect and accommodate diverse backgrounds.

15. Conflict Resolution: Focus on resolving conflicts in a calm and constructive manner. Address issues promptly to maintain a positive team environment.

16. Collaborative Projects: Engage in collaborative projects that require effective communication and teamwork. This provides practical opportunities to practice these skills.

17. Mentorship: Seek out mentors who excel in communication and interpersonal skills. Learn from their experiences and seek guidance.

18. Patience and Persistence: Improving communication and interpersonal skills takes time. Be patient and persistent in your efforts.

Remember that improving these skills is a gradual process, and setbacks are normal. Regular practice, self-awareness, and a willingness to learn from your experiences will contribute to your growth as a leader.

Interesting factoid 1:
Did you know that assertive individuals are often seen by recruiters and hiring managers as proactive problem solvers who can navigate challenges with a balanced approach? This is a form of bias that implies capability to an unrelated quality that is being presented.
Being assertive has no correlation to problem solving.

The Rembrandt Portrait can help you differentiate between assertiveness and problem solving, increasing objectivity while reducing bias in evaluating candidate competency.

Interesting factoid 2:
Did you know that it takes identical personality attributes and personal values to play professional football as it does to be a world class ballet dancer?

It’s true. Both professions require dedication, discipline, creativity, attention to detail, perseverance, and a strong work ethic. These qualities are important for mastering the technical and artistic/strategic aspects of both ballet and football.

Knowing what occupations require similar skill sets to your firm’s positions opens up a strategic sourcing pool from which to recruit.

Stop Hiding and Live Your Truth

In the heart of an upper middle-class neighborhood just outside of New York City, Jacob, a young adult, found himself trapped in a whirlwind of confusion and self-doubt. Struggling to reconcile his identity as a gay man in a predominantly straight world, he desperately yearned to fit in with his friends and numb the pain that gnawed at his soul. Unfortunately, this desperation led him down a dark path of drug abuse, as he sought solace in substances to escape the turmoil within.

At the tender age of 19, Jacob's life took an unexpected turn when he met an older gentleman named Richard. It was as though fate had intervened, offering Jacob a chance at the dream-like love and acceptance he had always craved. In Richard's arms, Jacob felt cherished, understood, and enveloped in a world that seemed too good to be true.

However, his past demons and insecurities continued to haunt him, tainting the love he had found. Jacob's drug abuse and his fear of embracing his true self cast a shadow over their relationship. He struggled to believe that he deserved the happiness he had discovered with Richard, and he feared that his secret life would eventually tear them apart. For nearly ten years Jacob was in and out of a dozen rehabs, had overdosed too many times to remember and squandered his life and put his relationship at risk. Not living his truth created so much internal grief that Jacob increased his drug abuse just to not feel the pain.

In a bittersweet twist, Jacob and Richard married, thinking that this union would finally bring them the fulfillment they both desired. Yet, even in the face of matrimony, Jacob's internal battles persisted, driving a wedge between them. Their marriage was strained, and the fractures grew deeper as time passed.

Amid the turmoil, a beacon of hope emerged when Jacob stumbled upon the Rembrandt Portrait personality assessment. Intrigued, he embarked on the journey of self-discovery that the assessment promised. The results were a revelation, unveiling the layers of his personality and motivations. Jacob realized that his own fears and insecurities had contributed to the dissonance in their relationship.

With newfound clarity and with the encouragement of his husband, Jacob recognized that by denying his own true self and suppressing his emotions, he had unintentionally prevented both himself and Richard from experiencing genuine love and happiness. Determined to heal their relationship, he made the courageous decision to confront his past and embrace his authentic self.

Jacob’s transformation was nothing short of remarkable. He kicked his drug habit, channeling his energy into creating a successful company that resonated with his passions. As he pursued his dreams, he encouraged Richard to do the same, offering unwavering support as they both embarked on journeys of personal growth.

Their marriage weathered the storms of self-discovery and renewal, emerging stronger than ever. With renewed commitment and a shared vision, Jacob and Richard redefined their relationship on a foundation of trust, authenticity, and mutual understanding. They both came to realize that true love could only flourish when they embraced their own identities and shared their lives openly.

And so, against all odds, Jacob and Richard found their happily ever after—a love story that defied pain, adversity, and self-doubt. As they stood side by side, hand in hand, they celebrated the beauty of authenticity and the transformative power of self-discovery.

Finding his true self removed the barrier that prevented his previous journeys with rehabs from being effective. Now that he has removed that barrier and has become intimate with his true self, his last stay at rehab is likely to be his last stay. He became sober because there was no longer a need to hide from himself and numb a pain caused by his inner truth not being aligned to his external reality. He was free at last. He found the courage to be his true self and found the happiness that eluded him for so many years.

If you’re struggling with substance abuse and are sick and tired of being sick and tired, perhaps it’s time to uncover your true self and embark on a journey of fulfillment and self love. Contact our team today and discover the power of aligning your inner desires and motivation with your external reality.

Unveiling Your True Self: The Rembrandt Portrait Assessment

In a world where societal expectations and religious beliefs held great influence, Anjunadeep grew up meticulously following the path set by his church, parents, and society. He married the girl he got pregnant, took a job he didn't enjoy, and continued to live a life that seemed right to everyone else but left him feeling empty.

Despite his efforts, Anjunadeep found himself in a loveless marriage, suffocated by a job that drained him, and trapped by the constraints of an existence that didn't resonate with his true desires. As the years passed, his spirit withered, and a growing discontentment shadowed his every step.

One day, at the crossroads of his middle-aged life, a moment of clarity struck Anjunadeep. He realized he had been living for everyone else's approval but his own. Overwhelmed by the weight of his unfulfilled dreams, he took a leap of faith and embarked on a journey to rediscover his true self.

In the midst of his solitary sojourn, Anjunadeep's journey of self-discovery took an unexpected turn when he stumbled upon an article written by the founder and CEO of RembrandtAdvantage. Its title read "Unveiling Your True Self: The Rembrandt Portrait Assessment."

Intrigued, he delved into its pages and discovered the Rembrandt Portrait psychological assessment - a tool renowned for its uncanny ability to unveil the hidden facets of one's personality, desires, and motivations. Feeling a flicker of curiosity, Anjunadeep decided to take the assessment, eager to uncover what lay beneath the surface.

As he answered the thought-provoking questions and then received his assessment results, Anjunadeep was taken aback by the accuracy and depth of the assessment's insights. It was as though the assessment had unveiled his soul, shining a light on his suppressed desires, unfulfilled dreams, and the choices he had made to please others. The results of the assessment were like a mirror reflecting his true self back at him, stark and unfiltered.

Stunned by the revelations, Anjunadeep realized that he had been living his life on autopilot, conforming to the expectations of his church, family, and society. The assessment had laid bare the disparity between his external life and his internal yearnings. But it wasn't just the assessment that triggered this realization; it was the guidance and counseling provided by the experts at RembrandtAdvantage, the organization behind the assessment.

The advisers at RembrandtAdvantage helped him interpret the assessment results, offering a compassionate understanding of his journey and the challenges he had faced. They gently encouraged him to confront his fears and doubts, and to embark on a path that aligned with his true self.

With their guidance, Anjunadeep found the courage to tear down the emotional walls that had suffocated his authenticity

Leaving behind the life he had known, Anjunadeep ventured into the wild, where he meticulously crafted a cabin that mirrored the walls he had built around his heart for so long. As each log stacked upon the other, he began the process of rebuilding not just a shelter, but the essence of his being.

Alone with his thoughts, surrounded by the untamed beauty of nature, Anjunadeep found solace in the quietude of self-discovery. He unearthed his suppressed passions, confronted his fears, and acknowledged the desires he had buried deep within. The cabin became a testament to his willingness to rebuild his life on his own terms.

Seasons turned, and as the walls of his cabin rose, so did the strength of his resolve. Slowly, he dismantled the emotional barriers that had held him captive for so long. His newfound liberation was palpable, radiating a light that drew like-minded souls toward him.

In the midst of this transformation, Anjunadeep forged a connection with a woman who saw him for who he truly was. She admired his courage to defy conventions and live authentically. Together, they nurtured a relationship built on mutual respect, understanding, and shared aspirations.

Word of Anjunadeep's journey spread far and wide, inspiring others to question their own paths and seek their inner truths. His cabin became a sanctuary not just for him, but for those seeking solace from societal expectations.

As the years rolled on, Anjunadeep found himself celebrating the life he had fashioned from the depths of his being. He embraced a fulfilling job that aligned with his passions, surrounded himself with people who valued his authenticity, and reveled in the love he had found with his partner.

On a serene evening, with the sun setting over the horizon, Anjunadeep stood before the cabin he had built with his own hands. With a heart brimming with contentment, he marveled at the transformation his life had undergone. His journey from a scripted existence to a life of authenticity had borne fruit beyond his wildest dreams.

And as he looked out into the wilderness, his heart soared with the realization that he had finally aligned his external reality with his internal truth, embracing the freedom that had eluded him for so long.

It is this journey that Anjunadeep took that inspired us at Rembrandt advantage to create a division of our company to help everyone seeking to align their internal truth with their external reality - to find peace and happiness by understanding and living one’s truth - becoming true to one’s self.

If you are feeling a disconnect with the life that you’ve built for yourself, seek a change and want to identify the path that will provide a lifetime of fulfillment it’s time for you to contact our team and take the Rembrandt Portrait and discover your truth. We will illuminate the path forward that will unleash the power and joy of aligning your inner motivations and desires with your external reality. It’s time to be authentic and live a life aligned to your true self.

🌟 Portrait of Ambition 🌟

In the bustling realm of staffing, a specialty staffing company found themselves seated at the third spot in their niche market. Driven by a relentless ambition to ascend to the coveted throne of being number one, they embarked on a transformative journey.

Recognizing that their progress hinged on the talents of their team, this staffing company turned to an unconventional yet powerful tool: The Rembrandt Portrait psychological assessment. This innovative approach aimed not only to hire the best people but also to cultivate an environment that nurtured growth.

As the company's leadership embraced the Rembrandt Portrait assessment, candidates were no longer mere resumes but intricate canvases waiting to be explored. The assessment unveiled nuances of personalities, motivations, and aspirations, allowing the interviewers to tailor their approach and ask incisive questions.

Gradually, a new breed of talent was ushered into the organization. The company's emphasis on aligning personal values with organizational goals started yielding remarkable results. Teams became more cohesive, communication flowed seamlessly, and innovative ideas sprouted like brushstrokes on a canvas.

The Rembrandt Portrait assessment not only facilitated accurate hiring decisions but also catalyzed personal development. With a deep understanding of their own strengths and areas for improvement, employees were provided targeted training and mentorship, leading to accelerated growth.

The story of this innovative company's transformation spread like ripples in a pond, attracting top talent eager to be part of a company that valued individuality and nurtured ambitions. As the team grew stronger, so did their market share. The third-place position was left behind as the company surged ahead, propelled by the collective determination of individuals whose dreams were intertwined with the organization's vision.

And thus, this niche staffing company achieved what they set out to do – rising from the third spot to become the market leader. The journey was not just a story of corporate success, but a testament to the power of recognizing and nurturing human potential. The Rembrandt Portrait assessment remained a symbol of their commitment to placing people at the heart of their ascent, forever transforming how businesses approached growth and leadership.

🎩 Michael Santo
🌟 CEO, RembrandtAdvantage
📞 7608323253
#AmbitionRealized #GrowthUnleashed #HumanPotential #LeadershipJourney

Understanding Why Rembrandt Portrait is the Best Assessment for Predicting Success on the Job

To help demystify employee testing I thought it may be helpful to review the different types of assessments that have made their way to the Talent Acquisition process and help you to understand where and how to apply these assessments.

There are basically 6 types of assessments:

Cognitive - These measure general intelligence and the way in which the person learns best and solves problems. The Rembrandt Portrait incorporates cognitive questions into its assessment because measuring a candidate's ability to learn and solve problems is one of the most accurate ways of predicting success on the job. According to research cognitive ability is twice as predictive as interviews, 3 times as predictive as work experience, and 4 times more predictive than education.

Integrity Testing - These are usually administered to candidates applying for entry level positions where adherence to rules is critical and to weed out theft. Personally, I shy away from these because of their high false positive rates.

Skills Testing - These are the most straightforward of assessments because they assess what you know and not who you are. They are pretty easy to put together and they give you a direct understanding of the candidate's knowledge. For example, The Sales Index measures what a sales candidate knows of the selling process, from qualifying a lead or understanding when to close. It does not measure potential, but does provide a solid understanding of what the candidate knows about selling. This can be highly valuable in designing a training program to teach the new person the mechanics of selling.

Physical Ability Testing - Like Skills Testing, these assessments are straightforward. Are you able to lift 50 pounds and carry it 10 feet? If you need to know if someone is physically able to do the job these assessments play a vital role.

Behavioral Assessment / Type Indicator Testing - These assessments typically group people into quadrants or 16 grids, such as the Myers Briggs, DISC, and Predictive Index. These assessments have great utility in team building and training, as they are quick, cheap and provide an understanding of the person's preferred Style of interaction. Neat information to have to roll out an effective workshop on communications and work style, but these assessments have not been validated for Talent Selection. They do not measure Ability, simply Style and it's the person's Ability that is predictive of job success not Style. Many of these assessments note that the person should retake the test every 6 months or annually because style or behavior can change. Behavior can and does change depending on the environment, and it can be minute to minute, not year to year. If you go to MBTI or DISC's website they tell you their assessment was not validated for selection. Companies using a 4 quadrant assessment for selection are doing themselves and the candidate disservice and are potentially breaking the law by utilizing a non-valid tool in the selection process.

Personality Testing - The most effective test is a true psychometric assessment that measures a person's personality, showing their drives, preferences, and tendencies. While style and behavior can and do change, personality (with limited exception) is the only true constant in understanding a candidate or employee. The most stable and predictive competencies remain consistent over time and are relevant to most positions. They are: Communication, Relationship Building, Problem Solving, Work Management, and Work Style. The Rembrandt Portrait measures these 5 competencies through 13 key attributes and our cognitive assessment.

In conclusion, the Rembrandt Portrait is based on the most stable of reliable science known and incorporates a cognitive assessment, making it one of the most valid and predictive assessments on the market.

Michael Santo Ph.D. | Founder / CEO

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